Amplifide Favorite - Summer Sizzlers (5/11)

TranceMissions Summer Sizzlers 2011 is a thoughtful collection of the hottest tunes from the beginning of summer, 2011.


Amplifide Presents: Thoughts On Trance 2012

     Download Thoughts on Trance (.Zip, Mega) So a good friend of mine, Nikolai Marti hooked me up with a radio station up in New York called Party Radio USA. They wanted a 1 hour mix of what I like to play, so naturally this was the outcome! This version is the full uncut version which went over an hour, but includes a different final track than the original mixdown. I think i'll do one of these mixes a year. It's a combination of some of my old favorites with some brand new...


Amplifide's TranceMissions Redux (2012)

Download TranceMissions Redux (2012) (Click here to DL)      TranceMissions Redux is a collection of all my favorite Trance/Progressive tracks from the 2008-2009 era. Right before I started the TranceMissions series there were 3 or 4 mixes containing some fantastic but poorly arranged tracks, so I took the opportunity to compile a collection of my favorites from those mixes and wrap them into one delicious, mixed in key, 25 track mix. The cover design is obviously heavily...

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