Amplifide Favorite - Summer Sizzlers (5/11)

TranceMissions Summer Sizzlers 2011 is a thoughtful collection of the hottest tunes from the beginning of summer, 2011.


Amplifide's TranceMissions Vol 25 (July 2011)

Download TranceMissions 25 (Click here) Well, its been 2 years since I started the TranceMissions journey! I've learned a lot and made some really great contacts through the experience with hopefully many more to come! TranceMissions 25 is the best Trance and Progressive of July 2011. Its got some real smashers on it so crank up that volume! Look for the new one by Tritonal, Dakota, Heatbeat, Brave, and more! I realized that one of my all-time favorites, Yuri Kane's Right Back, never...

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