Amplifide Favorite - Summer Sizzlers (5/11)

TranceMissions Summer Sizzlers 2011 is a thoughtful collection of the hottest tunes from the beginning of summer, 2011.


Amplifide Presents: Thoughts On Trance 2012

     Download Thoughts on Trance (.Zip, Mega) So a good friend of mine, Nikolai Marti hooked me up with a radio station up in New York called Party Radio USA. They wanted a 1 hour mix of what I like to play, so naturally this was the outcome! This version is the full uncut version which went over an hour, but includes a different final track than the original mixdown. I think i'll do one of these mixes a year. It's a combination of some of my old favorites with some brand new...


Amplifide's TranceMissions Redux (2012)

Download TranceMissions Redux (2012) (Click here to DL)      TranceMissions Redux is a collection of all my favorite Trance/Progressive tracks from the 2008-2009 era. Right before I started the TranceMissions series there were 3 or 4 mixes containing some fantastic but poorly arranged tracks, so I took the opportunity to compile a collection of my favorites from those mixes and wrap them into one delicious, mixed in key, 25 track mix. The cover design is obviously heavily...


Amplifide's TranceMissions Vol. 28 (October 2011)

Download TMS Vol. 28! (Click here foo') So this is TranceMissions volume 28. It's an awesome mix and one of the most powerful and all around killer collection of tunes that I've compiled. I finished this mix on my birthday of this year (September 2012) and remains the only mix I think I've ever done on my birthday! Get it! Track Listing: 1. Daniel Portman - Virtual Suicide (5:54) 2. Mike Foyle & Mat Zo - Simple Things (6:13) 3. Temple One feat. Neev Kennedy - Love The Fear (Tom Fall...


Amplifide's TranceMissions Vol. 27 (Sept 2011)

Download TranceMissions 27 (Click Here)     Fresh out the box here today we have a brand new TranceMissions Vol. 27! These are my favorite tracks from my birthday month, September 2011. 2 songs by Arty, which I LOVE. 2 tracks by Norin & Rad, whom I cant get enough of at the moment. And a couple of nice hard electro bangers for your earish pleasure. Enjoy!! Tracklisting: 1. Gareth Emery & Ashley Wallbridge - Mansion (Porter Robinson Edit) (5:00) 2. Freefire -...


Amplifide's TranceMissions Vol. 26 (August 2011)

Download TranceMissions Vol. 26 (Click Here)        TranceMissions 26 is a collection of the best trance, progressive, and EDM of August 2011. Its got lots of progressive sounds on it which is a nice change from the usual. I absolutely love most of the songs on this mix. On The Wire, Estiva (of course), Ummet Ozcan's Reboot (Its a KILLER), are all some of my favorite tracks of 2011. I personally think the W&W Remix of On The Wire is the best track of 2011. What...


TranceMissions Presents Summer Sizzlers 2011

Download TMS Summer Sizzlers 2011 (Click Here) TranceMissions Summer Sizzlers 2011 is a well thought through collection of the hottest tunes released right around the beginning of summer. Considering how long it takes for tunes to circulate around the world and hit every radio, some of these tunes will still be spinning on the decks of the worlds greatest DJs by the end of August 2011. This is also the mix in which I premier all the new voice-overs for the next 15 TranceMissions. So,...


Amplifide's TranceMissions 2 Years of Hardass Tracks

Download TMS 2 Years of Hardass Tracks (Click Here) (.rar) Here's one mix Ive been looking forward to for a long time! The Hardass Track from each month of TranceMissions since the beginning! Now, the earlier mixes didnt have an official Hardass Track but I went through each of them and carefully selected the most gruesome riffs. Its a hell of a ride! Make sure you check out the TMS 2 Year Mix for all the smooth melodies from each TMS. TrackListing 01 - Chicane - Hiding All The...


Amplifide's TranceMissions: The First 2 Years

Both links are the same now. Here's a link to WinRar. WinRar) Download TMS 2 Year Mix! (Hotfile) (.rar) Download TMS 2 Year Mix! (Rapidshare) (.zip) At last the 2 year mix is done! Took about 30 hours to compile, mix, design, cut, convert, and everything else, but its finally done and uploaded! These are my FAVORITE tracks of each mix (1 favorite from each TMS) and the culmination of all the work Ive put into TranceMissions in the past few years. All in all, Ive put in over...


Amplifide's TranceMissions Vol 25 (July 2011)

Download TranceMissions 25 (Click here) Well, its been 2 years since I started the TranceMissions journey! I've learned a lot and made some really great contacts through the experience with hopefully many more to come! TranceMissions 25 is the best Trance and Progressive of July 2011. Its got some real smashers on it so crank up that volume! Look for the new one by Tritonal, Dakota, Heatbeat, Brave, and more! I realized that one of my all-time favorites, Yuri Kane's Right Back, never...

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